Universally oriented Fialová law firm provides complex legal advice in all areas of law. Our clients can trust that we shall search out the optimal solution regardless of their situation or position. We provide legal services without limits to all fields and positions of clients. We represent our clients regardless of whether they turn to us in their entrepreneurial work or in legal problems related to their personal sphere. We provide legal help that is complete as individual areas of your life are not isolated. We are prepared to defend your interests in all situations, whether you stand on the side of the business or the consumer, the plaintiff or the defendant, or on the side of the employer or the employee. We have rich experience representing clients before state administration and local administration, mainly in front of courts of all instances, civil, criminal and arbitration courts, in front of administrative organs, mainly Tax Offices, Trade Licensing Office, Industrial Property Office, Office of Personal Data Protection etc., as well as in front of the Czech National Bank. Thanks to effective communication with these organs we ensure prompt execution of your requests.

Alongside general practice, we are proud of our extensive experience in the areas of:

  • Media law and advertisement
  • Trademarks
  • Unfair competition
  • Protection of personality
  • Family law


Personal Data Protection and GDPR

On the 21st May 2018, the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (so-called GDPR) shall come into effect.

Although much remains the same, there is an increase in the demands made on the data controller, amongst whom is included, for example, every employer. GDPR therefore brings new rights to the subjects of personal data – natural persons and self-employed persons. At the same time, it also sets out significantly higher penalties for breach of these duties, up to the limit of 20 million, respectively 4% of the turnover of the entire group. Nevertheless, we believe that GDPR ought to be understood as evolution rather than revolution in personal data protection.
We have been dealing with the area of personal data protection for a long time, we are, amongst others, members of professional organizations in this area, such as the Society for Personal Data Protection. We therefore understand GDPR primarily as an opportunity to put to rights the area of personal data management, both in national corporations and in one-employee firms. We will be glad to assist you with this challenge. GDPR is the right opportunity for a complete audit of the firm in all areas of its activity, as where there are personal data (name, surname, address, telephone number…), there is GDPR.
In cooperation with an external partner we shall undertake at the same time a technical and a data audit, indicate the areas at risk, find avenues of appropriate solutions including changes to internal processes, prepare the appropriate documentation, changes to software solutions, or offer You the services of Data Protection Officer (so-called DPO).
In case of any queries, we kindly request that you contact us at: gdpr@fialova-ak.cz

Mgr. Fialová Petra

ID No: 66256330
VAT ID No: CZ7356130100

Vinohradská 112
Capital city Prague

CBA registration number:

Fyzická osoba podnikající dle jiných zákonů než živnostenského a zákona o zemědělství nezapsaná v obchodním rejstříku.

IS ARES - Register of economic subjects

Out-of-court dispute resolution between attorney and client – consumer
The Czech Bar Association was appointed on 5.2.2016 by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic to resolve out-of-court consumer disputes in the area of disputes between attorney and consumer arising out of Contracts on provision of legal services (in accordance with Act No. 634/1992 Col., on the protection of consumer, as amended). The website of the appointed subject is www.cak.cz.


Data collected through the registration form are kept in accordance with valid Acts of Czech Republic, in particular in accordance with the Act No. 181/2000 Col., on personal data protection, as amended.

All data so obtained are processed exclusively for internal needs and are not disclosed to 3rd persons. These data are only and exclusively processed in the extent which the Act on personal data protection allows, that is mainly in its s. 5 ss. 2 par. b) and in its s. 5 ss. 6.